| 1. | You have no divine right of purchase . 你没有神圣不可侵犯的购买权。 |
| 2. | It has its divine right of sovereignty . 它有自己神圣的主权。 |
| 3. | He did not go so far as to say, for her pleasure, that there was a sort of divine right there; but, i have heard claims almost as magnificent of late years . 他并没有为了让她更快乐一点,甚至说在那儿还有一种“神圣的权力”;但是,近年来我曾经听见过同这种说法几乎是一样的天花乱坠的其他种种说法。 |
| 4. | Monarchy used to be based on divine right 在过去,君主政体习惯建立在王授神权的基础上。 |
| 5. | Say farewell to the divine right of management 别了,神圣的管理权。 |
| 6. | Kings , divine right of 王之神权 |
| 7. | James , a firm believer in the divine right of kings , would have preferred on parliament at all and actually did without one for seven years 詹姆斯一世坚决相信“君权神授” ,他根本不想要议会,而且连续7年从未召集过。 |
| 8. | Everybody was annoyed at the german tourists who seemed to think they had some divine right to the best positions around the swimming pool 大家都对德国旅游者们很生气,他们似乎以为自己有占据游泳池周围最佳位置的神授王权。 |
| 9. | We must meditate diligently , be serious about our practice and pay attention to ourselves alone , not so as to be selfish , but to find our real self and gain back our divine right 所以我们必须勤奋打坐,认真并全神贯注于修行,这不是自私的行为,而是我们真心要找回真我,寻回无上的力量。 |